Handbook » Student Code of Conduct & Behaviour

Student Code of Conduct & Behaviour

Student Conduct and Drug-Free Protocol brochures were included with the registration package. As well, students and parents acknowledge having read and understood the following forms, all of which must be handed in at the time of registration:



  • Froshing
  • Locker
  • Drug-free schools


  • FOIP
  • Acceptable Use of Technology

Students at Sexsmith Secondary School are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is in keeping with the qualities of good citizenship. The behavioural expectations are consistent with the responsibilities of the Education Act, Section 31. Consequences for failure to meet the requirements of the code of student behaviour and conduct may result in disciplinary action that may include suspensions and recommendations for expulsion from the school and division.


A student, as a partner in education, has the responsibility to:

  • Attend school regularly and punctually
  • Be ready to learn and actively engage in and diligently pursue the student’s education;
  • Ensure that the student’s conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging;
  • Respect the rights of others in the school;
  • Refrain from, report and not tolerate bullying or bullying behaviour directed toward others in the school, whether or not it occurs within the school building, during the school day or by electronic means;
  • Comply with the rules of the school and the policies of the board;
  • Cooperate with everyone authorized by the board to provide education programs and other services
  • Be accountable to the student’s teachers and other school staff for the student’s conduct and;
  • Positively contribute to the student’s school and community.

Student Expectations

  • Students are expected to comply with any reasonable request of any teacher, support staff member, custodian, bus driver, coach or supervisor.
  • Students are expected to comply with all the rules of the school and individual classrooms. In addition, we expect students to follow common-sense rules of courtesy, responsibility and goodwill, all of which we consider essential to any good school.
  • Students are expected to account for their conduct in classrooms, in the school and at school-sponsored activities.
  • Teachers will be made aware of which students are participating in respective activities and will notify coaches/organizers of any concerns regarding the academic effort of the members. Those students involved are reminded of their commitment to their studies. They are asked to maintain a satisfactory effort in all classes and behave in an acceptable manner to the administration. Participants must be attending classes regularly and have no outstanding fees.
  • Students are expected to treat everyone in the school in a respectful manner. Each person has the right NOT to be subjected to abusive or harassing language or behaviour, to feel safe and cared for, to have others respect their property or views, to be respected for their work and to have an environment conducive to learning.
  • Being diligent in one’s studies means doing all work to the best of one’s ability, preparing for exams, bringing all necessary materials to class, coming to school with an openness to learning, making education a priority over extra-curricular activities, work and socializing and focusing one’s attention on learning while in the classroom.

Alcohol, Tobacco, Vaporizers, and other Controlled/Banned Substances

Students may not use or have alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, vaping products, or other controlled/banned substances while in school, on the school premises, on school or Division property while utilizing Division-provided transportation services, or during school-related functions. Failure to comply with this policy may result in one or more of the following:

  • Confiscation of banned items
  • Suspension or expulsion
  • Bylaw ticket and fine
  • Referred to AADAC
  • Reported to the RCMP
Weapons, Explosives and Fireworks

The possession or use of a weapon, fireworks or explosives is prohibited. Cases may be reported to the R.C.M.P.


Vandalism and Theft

We hope all students will take pride in our school and demonstrate appropriate respect for the facility. Non-accidental damage to or theft of property or equipment will be assessed, and restitution will be required.

Use of Appropriate Language

Students are expected to use appropriate language during formal and informal interactions with teachers, peers and support staff in a school setting. Written work and materials brought to school should also meet the standards of acceptable language.

Harassment, Violence and Intimidation

Students have the right to be in a safe and caring environment. Harassment in any form will not be tolerated. Bullying of any sort is unacceptable behaviour. Any student who engages in or who supports or encourages others in harassing, intimidating, violent or discriminatory behaviour, whether it is verbal, non-verbal or physical, is not meeting their responsibility to respect others and, therefore, will be subject to disciplinary procedures. The school does not condone any initiation activities. Students who engage in or in any way party to such activities will be subject to disciplinary measures, even if the activity does not occur on school property during school time.



We value and respect personal privacy. Cameras of all types (cell phones, etc.) are to be used only as directed by a staff member.


Safe & Caring Schools Initiatives

The Peace Wapiti Public School Division maintains a division-wide Safe and Caring Schools Initiative to make schools safe for all involved. Within this division partnership, Sexsmith Secondary School is committed to zero tolerance for violence, discrimination, and harassment. In most circumstances, consequences for verbal and physical violence will result in suspension.


For more information, please review the Peace Wapiti Public School Division Policy IHF-Safe and Caring Learning Environment (Diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression) and Policy IFC-Student Code of Conduct.