Handbook » Guidelines for Academic Misconduct

Guidelines for Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct in any manner is a severe offence.

Plagiarism involves submitting or presenting work in a course as if it were your work done, especially for that particular course, when, in fact, it is not. Most commonly, plagiarism exists when:

  • The work submitted was done in whole or a sub-portion by an individual other than the presenter. 
  • Parts of the work are taken from another source without reference to the original author. 
  • The whole work is copied from another source. 
  • A student submits or presents work in one course which has also been submitted in another (although it may be entirely original for that student) without the knowledge of or prior agreement of the teacher involved.

Cheating on tests or examinations includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Speaking to other students or communicating with them under any circumstances. 
  • Bringing materials or devices into the examination room that the examiner does not authorize.
  • Consulting any person or materials outside the confines of the examination room. 
  • Leaving answer papers exposed.
  • Persisting in attempts to read other students’ examination papers.

Other academic misconduct may include: 

  • Tampering with examination scripts, class work grades and class records.
  • Failure to abide by directions given by a teacher regarding the individuality of work handed in. 
  • The acquisition of examination materials without prior authorization. 
  • The impersonation of another student in an examination or other class assignment. 
  • Falsification or fabrication of reports. 

Any student who voluntarily and consciously aids another student in committing one of these offences is also guilty of academic misconduct.

Penalties: In cases in which the school administration is satisfied that a student is guilty of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct, one or more of the following may occur: a grade of zero, a letter placed on the student’s file, the student placed on probation, suspension, withdrawal from the course, and in extreme circumstances expulsion.